Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Weird Dreams

I had the strangest dream that my boyfriend's brother and I were laying on the floor like a yin yang.  That's worse than having a sexual dream!  What does it all mean?

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Act Like You Know

"The Antarctic Peninsula is important because research has revealed that the forces of climate change are having a great effect on the region."

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Kelsey Grammer seems like a real dick (not that his ex-wife Camille was any prize - crazy bitch).
I still fucks with Frasier though - funny stuff

Friday, December 3, 2010

For women everywhere who grew up with Disney princesses, at one time or another have been disappointed to find out that “happily ever after” is a very rare occurrence, and even then life cannot be consistently easy or good without a few hardships...

Friday, November 26, 2010

I no longer believe in meant to be.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Weird Dreams

Last night, I dreamed that I had borrowed a car from my ex-boyfriend.  I rode around in it all day and would run into him while I was out.  It was a hooptie (in real life, his car is actually nice).

There was more to the dream, but now I can't remember.  Gotta write these things down first thing in the morning I guess.

Monday, November 22, 2010


So I saw this Headline today:  "Jay-Z:  I Shot My Brother When I Was 12" and I thought, "No s**t, Sherlock!"  
Anyone who is a true Jay-Z fan should already know this courtesy of "You Must Love Me" lyrics.  ah, commercial fans - I can smell 'em a mile away.

"We used to fight every night
but I never would suffer
just smile my big brother's
tryna make me tougher
As we grew fussing and fighting continued
as I plundered through ya stuff
and snuck ya clothes to school
Got intense real intense
as we got older
Never believed it would lead
to be popped in one of ya shoulda"

Sunday, November 21, 2010

Say Word

"It doesn't matter where you work up an appetite, as long as you eat at home."

Monday, November 15, 2010

In Memoriam: The Murder of an Environmental Activist

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

I'm officially depressed
Shopping for therapists now
I already know how the conversation will start:

Therapist:  So what's wrong?
Me:         Everything!
Therapist:  Could you define "everything"?
Me:         I mean every fucking thing that could possibly go
            wrong has gone wrong: my career, my love life...  

            Why else would I be here?
Therapist:  I understand, but I need specifics-
Me:         *sigh* You're incompetent.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

"Everybody's running like it's a [sic] marathon. Where are they going??"

Friday, October 29, 2010

Confessions: Wasting the Pretty

I wish I'd gotten married and had children at a very young age. Not that I didn't want to.  It just didn't happen that way.  Now, I don't know whether I can deal with either one because it takes a certain naivete to enjoy some things and my rose-colored glasses got lost a long time ago.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

I can't stand my worthless ass sister.
Can't depend on her for shit!
That is all
I woke up with the perfect afro this morning.  Just the right amount of softness, control, and texture.
Too bad I had to wrangle the poor thing into a bun for work.  poor poor afro

Friday, October 22, 2010

Regret (An a.m. stream of consciousness)

My life is full of regrets. Let me count the ways:

I regret...
  • not having my tonsils removed when I was a little girl
  • not taking that trip to London by myself (it was a steal!)
  • not visiting various friends while they lived abroad
  • not visiting one of my favorite city's sooner (I would have moved there for school)
  • befriending certain people
  • never living away from home
  • never visiting my grandmother's native land
  • not speaking up to my true love (maybe I would be married now. I wonder every day...)
  • not speaking up when I ran into my college crush on an elevator (that moment had kismet written all over it and I didn't grab it. Again, maybe I would be married now...)
  • sleeping with that guy that time (ugh) - and anyone else I had no real feelings for
  • every sexual encounter I've had since my first love. (I have only enjoyed 1 since)
  • not quitting my first real job on the spot (before I had a mortgage to worry about and when jobs were a dime a dozen; oh God, why did I stay and put up with it??)
  • buying my current home (well, not completely - love my neighbors, hate the property)
  • never having my "city living" experience
  • not calling 911 when my sister tried to kill herself (maybe she would have gotten the help she needed)
  • begging my parents not to divorce (it would have been better)
  • not beating my sister's abusive boyfriend's ass within an inch of his life while I was still a minor
  • not moving in with my first love (bump "living in sin"; maybe he wasn't my true love, but I would be content)
  • dating someone out of loneliness and desperation
  • not telling my friend's parents that she was molested

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Debt IS Slavery

"the borrower is servant to the lender"
- Proverbs 22:8, The Holy Bible

I'm happy to see churches addressing this problem (although worshiping at the altar of almighty debt is in no way a problem exclusive to Black Americans).  It has always smacked of hypocrisy to me when pastors not only encourage their members to go into debt (e.g. prosperity ministries), but sit at the head of a multi-million dollar mega church and don't help their members in need.

I've always tried my best not to owe anyone. We were taught early on that credit cards are evil.  I've had a few since then and this is the first time my balance has gotten out of control.  There is definitely a sense of oppression that comes with that.  I'm pretty extreme when it comes to my feelings about debt.  The Bible explicitly warns against being in debt to anyone PERIOD; so I always found it odd when churches encouraged property ownership, because - as most Americans have now learned - unless you can buy the house outright - you don't own a damn thing and you wind up in what will likely be the biggest debt in your life (unless you get seriously ill of course - that will really ruin you financially in the good ol' USA).  The BANK owns your house/condo.  Try not paying your mortgage. You'll find out who owns what so fast your head will spin.  I miss the freedom of renting - the freedom of the ability to just walk away.  Sure, you can't make any money when you're renting but you also can't make a profit if you can't sell your home - and you wind up with ruined credit.  Pick your poison.

Leave Groupies Alone

STD's, emotional instability, losing it all
Just a few reasons [straight] male entertainers should leave groupies alone. And if that wasn't enough, this vid is yet another reason (unless trannies are their flavor ;and I'm sure some of them don't mind at all). *shrug*

Sunday, October 17, 2010

"Whom should I despise, since the one Lord made us all."
p.1237, Var Sarang, Guru Granth Sahibtr. Patwant Singh

"The truly enlightened ones are those who neither incite fear in others nor fear anyone themselves." p.1427, Slok, Guru Granth Sahibtr. Patwant Singh

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Fun Times

Sipping hot spiced chai and listening to "Chocolate Elvis" by Tosca.

Roger That

"How dare you presume to know the workings of my heart?" 
- Frasier

Sunday, October 3, 2010

Real Life Lessons Mama Never Told You

Lesson #2

Always picture a man with a bald head before you date him (or, if he looks anything like his father, check out his dad) - because eventually most men go bald and/or look like their fathers and you may want to know what you'll wind up staring at 20 years from now.

Real Life Lessons Mama Never Told You

Lesson #1

Never date a waiter seriously.  The restaurant industry is one big incestuous drug and sex orgy.  Unless you want to wake up with an STD (or a missing wallet), leave waiters alone!

Saturday, September 25, 2010

Watching "Unsung"

So Tammi Terrell started having headaches when she was about 10 years old, then died from a brain tumor at 24.  So she probably had the tumor the entire time. And James Brown regularly going upside her head (literally) didn't help either.  Wow; that's sad.  :o(

Monday, September 20, 2010

"You know, all that really matters is that the people you love are happy and healthy. Everything else is just sprinkles on the sundae."

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Monday, September 13, 2010

It's That Serious

I seriously need to go back to yoga before somebody gets stabbed.
No seriously, even though I didn't necessarily enjoy the physical part of yoga (nor how it whittled down my already too skinny frame), outside of class I definitely experienced a clarity of mind and focus that is dwindling now that I've stopped.  Looking up yoga classes now...

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Sometimes, I think Lil' Wayne sold his soul to the Devil.

Monday, September 6, 2010

Try this....or fresh fruit and vegetables!  Eating right works WONDERS for your skin.

Sunday, September 5, 2010

That's Just Sad

Why is it that the biggest dick I've ever seen was on some deranged homeless man standing on a city street corner?

Friday, September 3, 2010

I Never Realized...

...how deep the lyrics to this song were.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm Just Sayin'...

Aren't cigarette pants just glorified high-waters?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I hate it when people at work give waaaaay too much information.  I ask a simple question, I want a simple answer.  Bottom line only please.  Don't ramble and give me details that, quite frankly, don't interest me, nor assist me in completion of my task.  Why do people do this?!

Just call me Francine

Yesterday, I happened to catch one of the first TV movies about domestic violence I can remember - The Burning Bed . Anyone who has ever doubted Ferrah Fawcett's acting ability, has never seen this movie. I found myself angry and shedding tears for Francine all over again, cheering when she finally sent Mickey to kingdom come in a fiery bed (just like I did when I first saw the movie as a child, much to my parents' horror). Even though I should be thoroughly numbed to human suffering by most of today's films and shows, Francine's pain still touched me.

Then an incident at work today reminded me of how a work relationship can be a lot like an abusive personal relationship (emotionally anyway). Just call my boss "Micky" and me "Francine".  I swear to God, every time I think it will get better, just like Francine, I tell myself, "S/he wouldn't act like this if I would just get it right." We have a few consecutive days or weeks of peace, then she backhands me across the face. Okay, I obviously don't mean that she literally hits me - but you catch my drift. Each one of these encounters leaves me questioning my abilities, my sanity, feeling incompetent and - worst of all - trapped. Yeah, just call me "Fran"...

Thursday, August 26, 2010

So True

Rarely are black women presented to us as three-dimensional people capable of expressing a range of emotions and varying characteristics. Black women are not allowed to be whole human beings.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted to a profoundly sick society" ~ Krishnamurti

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

"Those who can, do. Those who can't, teach,"

Poor Patti

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Left: The Highest-paid Black Actress in the USA; Right: The Highest-paid Black Actress in France

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Salahis are so gross.

Black in Germany

Interesting vid to me considering the only Black friends I've had who have lived in Germany were military and pretty much shielded from racism (they attended an American high school with other military kids).  Apparently, things are pretty f***ed up for us outside the gates. Then again, racism is on the rise in Germany, so perhaps it wasn't as bad back then (in the 90s). Never had a desire to visit Germany, so I guess I'll never know. Sad

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

One of Those Days


Saturday, July 31, 2010

Run Tell Dat

*heavy sigh*
Why don't reporters prep people before they get on camera?

Flipping the Switch

Isn't it funny how Ciara went from "Goodies" to this ??

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

"A" is for AWESOME!!!

I'm all for vigilantism. And this just proves the decades-old argument that cheerleaders are STRONG ATHLETES. Git 'em girl!
“When the music changes, so does the dance”
-African Proverb

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

Hood Rats??

"The KIA Soul commercial is very insulting to me. Are they equating "soul" with hood hamsters/?rats. Who would want to be associated with this car? They are sending the wrong message. I will be boycotting this company and encouraging my friends and associates to do the same. Please review commercial and see if you don't agree."

"This is the most racist commercial I have ever seen and I am so sick of seeing it. I was hoping it would just go away but since you racist ass people think it's so cute, making it a mission to blog about this commercial till they pull it...Hamsters my ass, they are clearly a portrayal of "hoodrats" and I guess a cheap ass KIA is all hoodrats can afford huh KIA...Get with this a cheap ass Kia or a toaster hoodrats...That's the message of this commercial."

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Mama, I Want to Swing

Saturday, July 24, 2010

Golf is NOT a sport
Cheerleading IS

Monday, July 19, 2010

Fresh Face

Say what you will about Beyoncé, but this is a stunning photo of her.

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

I'm going to f'ing scream!  We waste so much paper on petty shit in our office.  The trees are going to go "The Happening" on us.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Say Word

This is the comment of the day!  Luvs it because the ish is true. *shrug*
"There's nothing worse than an ugly man with a cocky attitude.... Ladies, we need to stop lowering our standards. Men never do it, and neither should we. The ugliest man will try to pursue the prettiest woman, and you know what.... 9 times out of 10, he gets her... We as women will try to justify our actions by saying "oh he's such a nice guy-- maybe i should give him a chance" and guess what happens? His ole ugly ass turns around and do you dirty because you gave him the ego boost he needed to try and pursue other women. Fuck that.... If I need to put up with some man's mess.... please give me a tall handsome man, with a side order of well endowed penis because I'll be damn if some ugly-chubby-ass-paddington-bear-lookin-muthafucka disrespects me like that.... Christina where is your pride? I thought Nick Cannon was a bit of a cornball but this adult size baby takes the cake. Stop trying to save face for the cameras and dump this chubster."

Sunday, July 11, 2010

Sometimes you have to pay for peace of mind.

Saturday, July 10, 2010

"O"h, Oprah

So I picked up the most recent issue of "O" Magazine today and this is what I saw:

*sigh*  This outfit is a bargain? Seriously??

Just in case you can't see the image clearly:

Sweater: $70
Shirt:  $70
Belt: $53
Watch: $55
Ring: $14
Pants: $80
Shoes: $69
Bracelets: $20 - $95 (ummmm....)
Earrings: $44

Grand Total?:  at least $475.00

And the caption reads: "Everything Oprah's wearing is under $100!"

Try an entire outfit for under $100!

Oprah's so out of touch. WTF

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Don't you hate days when people have a lot of effing questions?  I'm having one of those days.  I especially hate the questions to which I have no answer!

Saturday, July 3, 2010

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Big birthday parties for 1-year-olds are silly.  Who actually remembers their first [year of life] birthday party?
My point exactly.  Little kids don't remember that shit.

Friday, June 18, 2010

People often talk about how unhealthy "Soul Food" is (or can be); but no one ever complains about Italian food, which is just as bad (if not worse)!   Either way, they both taste GOOOOOOOOD

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

"wow, you really called him/her out."

"oh yeah; I confront mofos."
I've come to realize that my dog is actually my best friend.

Shut up!

I'm up because, there is a confused bird (or family of birds) outside my window that seems to think 1 a.m. is the crack of dawn.  You're supposed to wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, not fall asleep to it. This has totally screwed me up.  It's like watching the sunrise. Once the sun has come up, I can't go back to sleep. It's the same thing.  A chirping bird is like an alarm clock to me. "It's time to wake up, sleepy head!"  Just imagine your alarm going off at 1 a.m.  Ugh
As much as I love animals, I want to hurt this bird right now.  Operation nest relocation might go into effect tomorrow.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

I believe this oil spill (and the chemical being used to "clean" it) is going to kill us all.  Seriously; you know the philosophical question about what you would do if you only had a few days/weeks/months to live?  If the oil spill isn't contained, that question has just become quite real.  Fucking stupid BP

People are protesting BP today (too bad I didn't know this before I ran dangerously low on gas near a BP station this morning.  I've been avoiding the news because it's depressing me).  I respect that, but protesting isn't going to save lives. Right now, efforts should be concentrated on finding a solution.  Otherwise, we can protest all we want, but we'll all still wind up dead.

Toxic ocean = toxic rain = toxic ground water x toxic air = asphyxiation, sterilization, starvation and dehydration = DEATH

Friday, June 11, 2010

Animal Quiz

Have you ever taken one of those animal personality quizzes?
You know, the "what animal are you" questionnaires that always give the following options:

Lion, Bear, Lamb, zzzzzzzzzzzz

The options are always the same and you always know where they're going with it; boring right?

I thought it over today and decided that my animal personality is....


I love kangaroos. They're right up there with dolphins.  Yeah, I could be a dolphin too if I didn't have such a deep-seated fear of wild waters.  Why a kangaroo, you ask?

Because they look cute and unassuming, but if you mess with them, you're in for the ass kicking of your life.

So yeah, I'm a f***ing kangaroo.  GRRR!

Shacking Up

People don't move in together out of love anymore.
Long gone are the days of,

"It's getting serious."
"I think he/she's the one."

I've grown to realize that, nowadays, moving in with a woman is often about convenience for a man.
Plainly put, it's easy access to p**sy.
Or a quick cure for the lonelies
but love, the shit sometimes ain't.
Sometimes, I think I only want what's out of my reach.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chick-fil-a's peach milkshake is like an orgasm in a cup
Seriously, try that s**t.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

I hate it when "She" gives me a shitload of work to do, then proceeds to interrupt me every few minutes. Then she has the gall to ask me how far I've gotten. Well, NOWHERE since you won't leave me the hell alone and let me do my work!  I just can't take it sometimes...

Friday, May 28, 2010

B*tch, please!

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Some people should practice going a whole day without correcting the mistakes of others. I know some people who probably couldn't do it to save their lives.

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Everyone laughing at this is probably going to hell.  LOL

Monday, May 24, 2010

Everyone's a critic.

So True

“If you don’t risk anything, you risk even more.”
- Erica Jong
...and so too late for me to hear.  :o(

Thursday, May 20, 2010

"...just because someone puts you down doesn’t mean you have to believe it forever – sooner or later you should wake up and see the put-downs for the nonsense that it is."

Monday, May 17, 2010


If you're not helping to cook, get out of the kitchen!
I hate grocery shopping on Sunday. Sane people shop late at night - especially on the weekends. :o)


I hate that look older men give me when I wear an afro.

Saturday, May 15, 2010

I so feel this way at work sometimes often. She makes a great "f**k you" face btw.

my dad is an asshole to my mom.
my sister is a bitch.

What the frack?!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010

As the other kids think, "Dammit, now my parents will want me to play piano as well as this kid!"

How do they do this with a straight face??  This brought back memories of their "Schweaty Balls" skit. HILARIOUS

Tuesday, May 11, 2010


So they can strut on stage in bikinis, but they can't pose for photos in lingerie? Get the fuck outta here!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Benefit of the Doubt?

I can't figure out whether she's socially inept, has a low emotional I.Q., or if she's just a bitch.
Can I get an AMEN!
Being enlightened is so hard.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a Judgmental Idiot

"Hasselbeck's comments were 'a slap in the face to victims of stalking and sexual predators.'"

Indeed they were. Hasselbeck is the type of person who puts a rape victim on trial. What a jerk. She also clearly knows nothing about ballroom dancing costumes. They get FAR skimpier than what Erin Andrews has worn so far. Me thinks the green-eyed monster has reared its ugly head.

PS - Funny how it's much easier to find video of a tearfully apologetic Hasselbeck (Save it, bitch!), but the vid of her making the offensive comments is harder to find. And I love how Whoopi tricked Hasselbeck into repeating her simple-minded comments on air for all the world to hear. She knew exactly what she was doing. Whoopi, you're too smooth!

Here's a thought: Replace Hasselbeck on The View with Andrews!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I hate engaging in psychological warfare at work, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
I am so over fake ass people.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Stephanie Grace, YOU are a bad person!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"BP did not build the containment devices before the spill because it 'seemed inconceivable' the blowout preventer would fail, Rinehart said. 'I don't think anybody foresaw the circumstance that we're faced with now,' he said."

"I've taken baths deeper than you."
"Now don't that just make you feel like a pimple on God's butt?"

Thursday, April 29, 2010

I feel like listening to a lot of guitar and screaming.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's an extrovert's world. I just live in it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Party favors are stupid
This is a great question, one I struggle with every day.  Actually, it's the story of my life and why I'm still single. I always meet one or the other: Fine as hell but dumb as rocks, or, Mr. Personality but please-keep-your-clothes on-because-you-have-nothing-i-want-to-see (with a little of the fine but no-good combo here and there, but I don't even bother dating those since their asshole vibe can be felt a football field's length away).  Neither holds my interest for long.  Either I love talking to him but no longer want him to touch me (and clearly a relationship cannot work this way) or I love touching him but cringe every time we try to have a meaningful conversation (or he writes me a love letter replete with spelling errors - which also results in no longer wanting him to touch me). I will ponder this question today and try to pick one.
Sometimes apathy feels so good.
People will never change.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Funny Stuff

Bo Translation: "Are you kidding me? I'm not going anywhere. These kids LOVE me!"
He was merely sharing The First Lady's enthusiasm for the prevention of childhood obesity (I love the Obamas, but seriously?? Were there no other more pressing causes?). Anyway, I'm sure somewhere a dog trainer's head will roll for this:

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nudie Pix?

I think I'm at that point in life when you start taking nude photos to capture your youth (before it's gone).  I'll get the boyfriend to do it. He takes great nude photos of me all the time now but I never let him keep them because he could hate me one day and God knows what he would do with such photos then!  Like right now, we hate each other, and I am glad he has no nude photos of me.
So we always use my digital camera which I immediately confiscate and delete.  Now, I think I will take some to keep; then show them to someone one day when I'm a little old lady. I'll whip them out at inopportune moments and say, "I was real hot once!"
I think my socks are too tight.
why the fuck does my supervisor ask me what will keep me busy while he's away from the office?  Seriously?
I'm tempted to reply, "I'm going to sit here and twiddle my thumbs...maybe pick some belly button lint. You know, just shoot the s**t."
I mean God forbid I have some downtime.
Don't you worry, "massa" boss, I have plenty to keep me busy.

I'd rather be on stage somewhere right now singing or dancing...or acting.  I am going to implode.
If Alice Smith's new album is not released soon, I suggest a riot.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Do you ever get the overwhelming feeling that someone you know is going straight to Hell in a handbasket (if you believe in Hell that is)? That's not to say I'm sure of where I'm going when I leave this Earth. I just hope and pray a lot of days. But seriously, some people are so effing evil I don't know how they can live with themselves!


I believe the world is ending soon. I'm serious; "repent, the end is near!" and all that.
That makes it pretty hard to care about much else these days. I mean, why bother going to work, paying bills, having children?
Seriously, have you watched the news??

Sunday, April 18, 2010

“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” -Gloria Steinem
Wow, the adult entertainment awards are a trip. Every time someone says, "I worked my ass off", I giggle.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

I feel very unattractive and old lately.  I don't know why.

Russian Boy

If any of the following is true:

"Hansen chronicled a list of problems: hitting, screaming and spitting at his mother and threatening to kill family members."

"the 7-year-old's violent episodes — which culminated in a threat to burn the family's home to the ground"

'"He drew a picture of our house burning down and he'll tell anybody that he's going to burn our house down with us in it," she said. "It got to be where you feared for your safety. It was terrible."'

I would have put little bad ass on a plane to NOWHERE. Had she allowed this child to remain in the home with his serious psychological issues, he quite possibly would have made good on his many threats. Then people would criticize her for NOT doing anything about it.  People are so quick to criticize until it's their lives in danger.

Monday, April 12, 2010


Last night, I dreamed that:

- A coworker moved in across the street. No idea why I would dream about her becoming my neighbor. Further, her husband was a postal worker who parked all of the mail trucks at their house.

- I went to the doctor to pick up some blood work and there was something wrong with my pancreas and I was pregnant

- I never showed up to work one day because there was a combo of floodwaters and slush blocking the streets. I never called or showed up. I've dreamed about not showing up to work (for various reasons) several times lately.

Friday, April 9, 2010

"If I have any beliefs about immortality,
it is that certain dogs I have known will go to heaven,
and very, very few persons." -James Thurber

"Heaven goes by favour. If it went by merit,
you would stay out and your dog would go in." -Mark Twain
As soon as I heard this, I figured he "traded up" from his Asian wife to a blond White woman. What is up with Black athletes and their race issues??

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

It's always fucking ugly on my birthday

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Once upon a time I was deep. Then shit got real and I stopped giving a damn about the philosophical nonsense.

Monday, March 22, 2010

How do you pretend everything is okay when it really isn't?
"Soylent Green is people!"
One of my favorite movies. How sad that the most famous line ruins the ending for the uninitiated.

Friday, March 19, 2010

How is it even possible that guests stayed in this room and did not notice?
The best thing about this article is the photo:

Yeah, that's exactly how some people look right before they say the wrong thing.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather."
So Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock, huh?
Imagine my surprise.


I mean, isn't this the same guy who has been married at least twice before (apparently with some *ahem* overlap between wives #1 and #2)?? A leopard doesn't change its spots.

Further, one of his former wives was a porn star. A fucking porn star!!  What man in his right mind marries a porn star?? Better yet, what woman marries a man formerly [knowingly] married to a porn star??  Seriously, an average woman (as far as sexual prowess goes) can never measure up to a porn star in bed.  Hell, your average woman can't even measure up to your common run-of-the-mill ho. Women need to let go of these fantasies about men being deeper than they are. They like the nastiest sex they can find.  Love does not conquer all if you're attempting to screw your husband's brains out and he's comparing you to his previous porn actress flame. If your man happened to ever be involved with a porn actress, give up now. Nobody is better in bed than a woman with self esteem so low, she sexually degrades herself for a living (or free for that matter). It's just a sad fact. Worse yet, imagine the cooties you would get from him!  Jesse James is gross. Move on, Sandra. Move on...and get an STD panel STAT!
i can't stand my sister
she is the most selfish, self-absorbed, narcissistic person in the world!
Did I mention selfish?
The worst part is, she'll call other people selfish.  *dead*

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Theres a time to talk sweetly to members of the opposing party, and a time, when sweetness has failed, to slap them smartly across the face."
Why are people shocked that Mo'Nique is actually a good actress??  Sometimes an actor is only as good as the material they're given and, prior to Precioius, she wasn't given much to work with. Duh
Wendy Williams is a godawful person. Why do people keep talking to her??

I had no problem with Tyra Banks...until she started talking.
House Hunters International is a cool show...mostly because it helps me realize how f***ing spoiled many of us are in America. Well, actually, I already knew we were spoiled (generally speaking), but some people are beyond belief with it!
"The kitchen is so small!  The bathroom is so small! Everything is so small!"
How much damn space do you need?!

Luck of the Irish

I didn't wear green today.
If anyone pinches me, I'll slap the snot out of them.
love watching baseball players
hate watching baseball
Good people die young.
Evil people seem to live forever.
I don't know why people think Gisele Bundchen is so hot.  That's not to say she's unattractive or anything; I just honestly don't see anything extraordinary about her.

Further, why is she always billed as some exotic Brazilian beauty??  Sure, she grew up in Brazil, but she is ethnically German - period.  Nothing wrong with that; just call her what she is.
I hate American Idol.
Rielle Hunter is trash. So is John Edwards.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

I sometimes feel like I need my own personal assistant.
I know that sounds effing lazy, but seriously...
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