Friday, March 19, 2010

How is it even possible that guests stayed in this room and did not notice?
The best thing about this article is the photo:

Yeah, that's exactly how some people look right before they say the wrong thing.

Thursday, March 18, 2010

"You can plan a pretty picnic, but you can't predict the weather."
So Jesse James cheated on Sandra Bullock, huh?
Imagine my surprise.


I mean, isn't this the same guy who has been married at least twice before (apparently with some *ahem* overlap between wives #1 and #2)?? A leopard doesn't change its spots.

Further, one of his former wives was a porn star. A fucking porn star!!  What man in his right mind marries a porn star?? Better yet, what woman marries a man formerly [knowingly] married to a porn star??  Seriously, an average woman (as far as sexual prowess goes) can never measure up to a porn star in bed.  Hell, your average woman can't even measure up to your common run-of-the-mill ho. Women need to let go of these fantasies about men being deeper than they are. They like the nastiest sex they can find.  Love does not conquer all if you're attempting to screw your husband's brains out and he's comparing you to his previous porn actress flame. If your man happened to ever be involved with a porn actress, give up now. Nobody is better in bed than a woman with self esteem so low, she sexually degrades herself for a living (or free for that matter). It's just a sad fact. Worse yet, imagine the cooties you would get from him!  Jesse James is gross. Move on, Sandra. Move on...and get an STD panel STAT!
i can't stand my sister
she is the most selfish, self-absorbed, narcissistic person in the world!
Did I mention selfish?
The worst part is, she'll call other people selfish.  *dead*

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"Theres a time to talk sweetly to members of the opposing party, and a time, when sweetness has failed, to slap them smartly across the face."
Why are people shocked that Mo'Nique is actually a good actress??  Sometimes an actor is only as good as the material they're given and, prior to Precioius, she wasn't given much to work with. Duh
Wendy Williams is a godawful person. Why do people keep talking to her??

I had no problem with Tyra Banks...until she started talking.
House Hunters International is a cool show...mostly because it helps me realize how f***ing spoiled many of us are in America. Well, actually, I already knew we were spoiled (generally speaking), but some people are beyond belief with it!
"The kitchen is so small!  The bathroom is so small! Everything is so small!"
How much damn space do you need?!

Luck of the Irish

I didn't wear green today.
If anyone pinches me, I'll slap the snot out of them.
love watching baseball players
hate watching baseball
Good people die young.
Evil people seem to live forever.
I don't know why people think Gisele Bundchen is so hot.  That's not to say she's unattractive or anything; I just honestly don't see anything extraordinary about her.

Further, why is she always billed as some exotic Brazilian beauty??  Sure, she grew up in Brazil, but she is ethnically German - period.  Nothing wrong with that; just call her what she is.
I hate American Idol.
Rielle Hunter is trash. So is John Edwards.
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