Thursday, May 6, 2010

Elisabeth Hasselbeck is a Judgmental Idiot

"Hasselbeck's comments were 'a slap in the face to victims of stalking and sexual predators.'"

Indeed they were. Hasselbeck is the type of person who puts a rape victim on trial. What a jerk. She also clearly knows nothing about ballroom dancing costumes. They get FAR skimpier than what Erin Andrews has worn so far. Me thinks the green-eyed monster has reared its ugly head.

PS - Funny how it's much easier to find video of a tearfully apologetic Hasselbeck (Save it, bitch!), but the vid of her making the offensive comments is harder to find. And I love how Whoopi tricked Hasselbeck into repeating her simple-minded comments on air for all the world to hear. She knew exactly what she was doing. Whoopi, you're too smooth!

Here's a thought: Replace Hasselbeck on The View with Andrews!

Tuesday, May 4, 2010

I hate engaging in psychological warfare at work, but sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do.
I am so over fake ass people.

Monday, May 3, 2010

Stephanie Grace, YOU are a bad person!

Sunday, May 2, 2010

"BP did not build the containment devices before the spill because it 'seemed inconceivable' the blowout preventer would fail, Rinehart said. 'I don't think anybody foresaw the circumstance that we're faced with now,' he said."

"I've taken baths deeper than you."
"Now don't that just make you feel like a pimple on God's butt?"
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