Saturday, June 12, 2010

I believe this oil spill (and the chemical being used to "clean" it) is going to kill us all.  Seriously; you know the philosophical question about what you would do if you only had a few days/weeks/months to live?  If the oil spill isn't contained, that question has just become quite real.  Fucking stupid BP

People are protesting BP today (too bad I didn't know this before I ran dangerously low on gas near a BP station this morning.  I've been avoiding the news because it's depressing me).  I respect that, but protesting isn't going to save lives. Right now, efforts should be concentrated on finding a solution.  Otherwise, we can protest all we want, but we'll all still wind up dead.

Toxic ocean = toxic rain = toxic ground water x toxic air = asphyxiation, sterilization, starvation and dehydration = DEATH

Friday, June 11, 2010

Animal Quiz

Have you ever taken one of those animal personality quizzes?
You know, the "what animal are you" questionnaires that always give the following options:

Lion, Bear, Lamb, zzzzzzzzzzzz

The options are always the same and you always know where they're going with it; boring right?

I thought it over today and decided that my animal personality is....


I love kangaroos. They're right up there with dolphins.  Yeah, I could be a dolphin too if I didn't have such a deep-seated fear of wild waters.  Why a kangaroo, you ask?

Because they look cute and unassuming, but if you mess with them, you're in for the ass kicking of your life.

So yeah, I'm a f***ing kangaroo.  GRRR!

Shacking Up

People don't move in together out of love anymore.
Long gone are the days of,

"It's getting serious."
"I think he/she's the one."

I've grown to realize that, nowadays, moving in with a woman is often about convenience for a man.
Plainly put, it's easy access to p**sy.
Or a quick cure for the lonelies
but love, the shit sometimes ain't.
Sometimes, I think I only want what's out of my reach.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Chick-fil-a's peach milkshake is like an orgasm in a cup
Seriously, try that s**t.
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