Thursday, April 22, 2010

Nudie Pix?

I think I'm at that point in life when you start taking nude photos to capture your youth (before it's gone).  I'll get the boyfriend to do it. He takes great nude photos of me all the time now but I never let him keep them because he could hate me one day and God knows what he would do with such photos then!  Like right now, we hate each other, and I am glad he has no nude photos of me.
So we always use my digital camera which I immediately confiscate and delete.  Now, I think I will take some to keep; then show them to someone one day when I'm a little old lady. I'll whip them out at inopportune moments and say, "I was real hot once!"
I think my socks are too tight.
why the fuck does my supervisor ask me what will keep me busy while he's away from the office?  Seriously?
I'm tempted to reply, "I'm going to sit here and twiddle my thumbs...maybe pick some belly button lint. You know, just shoot the s**t."
I mean God forbid I have some downtime.
Don't you worry, "massa" boss, I have plenty to keep me busy.

I'd rather be on stage somewhere right now singing or dancing...or acting.  I am going to implode.
If Alice Smith's new album is not released soon, I suggest a riot.

Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Do you ever get the overwhelming feeling that someone you know is going straight to Hell in a handbasket (if you believe in Hell that is)? That's not to say I'm sure of where I'm going when I leave this Earth. I just hope and pray a lot of days. But seriously, some people are so effing evil I don't know how they can live with themselves!


I believe the world is ending soon. I'm serious; "repent, the end is near!" and all that.
That makes it pretty hard to care about much else these days. I mean, why bother going to work, paying bills, having children?
Seriously, have you watched the news??

Sunday, April 18, 2010

“The truth will set you free. But first, it will piss you off.” -Gloria Steinem
Wow, the adult entertainment awards are a trip. Every time someone says, "I worked my ass off", I giggle.
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