Thursday, April 29, 2010

I feel like listening to a lot of guitar and screaming.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

It's an extrovert's world. I just live in it.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Party favors are stupid
This is a great question, one I struggle with every day.  Actually, it's the story of my life and why I'm still single. I always meet one or the other: Fine as hell but dumb as rocks, or, Mr. Personality but please-keep-your-clothes on-because-you-have-nothing-i-want-to-see (with a little of the fine but no-good combo here and there, but I don't even bother dating those since their asshole vibe can be felt a football field's length away).  Neither holds my interest for long.  Either I love talking to him but no longer want him to touch me (and clearly a relationship cannot work this way) or I love touching him but cringe every time we try to have a meaningful conversation (or he writes me a love letter replete with spelling errors - which also results in no longer wanting him to touch me). I will ponder this question today and try to pick one.
Sometimes apathy feels so good.
People will never change.

Sunday, April 25, 2010

Funny Stuff

Bo Translation: "Are you kidding me? I'm not going anywhere. These kids LOVE me!"
He was merely sharing The First Lady's enthusiasm for the prevention of childhood obesity (I love the Obamas, but seriously?? Were there no other more pressing causes?). Anyway, I'm sure somewhere a dog trainer's head will roll for this:

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