Friday, September 3, 2010

I Never Realized... deep the lyrics to this song were.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

I'm Just Sayin'...

Aren't cigarette pants just glorified high-waters?

Wednesday, September 1, 2010


I hate it when people at work give waaaaay too much information.  I ask a simple question, I want a simple answer.  Bottom line only please.  Don't ramble and give me details that, quite frankly, don't interest me, nor assist me in completion of my task.  Why do people do this?!

Just call me Francine

Yesterday, I happened to catch one of the first TV movies about domestic violence I can remember - The Burning Bed . Anyone who has ever doubted Ferrah Fawcett's acting ability, has never seen this movie. I found myself angry and shedding tears for Francine all over again, cheering when she finally sent Mickey to kingdom come in a fiery bed (just like I did when I first saw the movie as a child, much to my parents' horror). Even though I should be thoroughly numbed to human suffering by most of today's films and shows, Francine's pain still touched me.

Then an incident at work today reminded me of how a work relationship can be a lot like an abusive personal relationship (emotionally anyway). Just call my boss "Micky" and me "Francine".  I swear to God, every time I think it will get better, just like Francine, I tell myself, "S/he wouldn't act like this if I would just get it right." We have a few consecutive days or weeks of peace, then she backhands me across the face. Okay, I obviously don't mean that she literally hits me - but you catch my drift. Each one of these encounters leaves me questioning my abilities, my sanity, feeling incompetent and - worst of all - trapped. Yeah, just call me "Fran"...
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