Friday, October 22, 2010

Regret (An a.m. stream of consciousness)

My life is full of regrets. Let me count the ways:

I regret...
  • not having my tonsils removed when I was a little girl
  • not taking that trip to London by myself (it was a steal!)
  • not visiting various friends while they lived abroad
  • not visiting one of my favorite city's sooner (I would have moved there for school)
  • befriending certain people
  • never living away from home
  • never visiting my grandmother's native land
  • not speaking up to my true love (maybe I would be married now. I wonder every day...)
  • not speaking up when I ran into my college crush on an elevator (that moment had kismet written all over it and I didn't grab it. Again, maybe I would be married now...)
  • sleeping with that guy that time (ugh) - and anyone else I had no real feelings for
  • every sexual encounter I've had since my first love. (I have only enjoyed 1 since)
  • not quitting my first real job on the spot (before I had a mortgage to worry about and when jobs were a dime a dozen; oh God, why did I stay and put up with it??)
  • buying my current home (well, not completely - love my neighbors, hate the property)
  • never having my "city living" experience
  • not calling 911 when my sister tried to kill herself (maybe she would have gotten the help she needed)
  • begging my parents not to divorce (it would have been better)
  • not beating my sister's abusive boyfriend's ass within an inch of his life while I was still a minor
  • not moving in with my first love (bump "living in sin"; maybe he wasn't my true love, but I would be content)
  • dating someone out of loneliness and desperation
  • not telling my friend's parents that she was molested

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