Thursday, June 23, 2011

My Latest Workout Routine

In addition to yoga, I am now doing this to stay in shape
and let me tell you - pole dancing is not a game!
I hurt everywhere - EVERY WHERE

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Electric Leaf My Eye!

So last night on "Bizarre Foods", Andrew Zimmerman tried something in Brazil the chef called "electric leaf".  It's some exotic plant from the Amazon that made their mouths numb.  All I thought was, that ain't nothing but cocaine.  LOL

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Eff Lofty Goals

Eff career advancement and recognition. My primary goal on the job is to get through the day without getting yelled at (and collect my check). This job is not my life.

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

"Play With It" (More "Reality" TV addiction talk)

Security should have known what was coming when she said, "Here, lemme get real close to you real quick." Anybody with any street sense (read: not Char) knew that ish was about to pop off right then and there.
I always knew Sydney was a bad b*tch. That's my girl! I for one am shocked Char even fought back for once.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Most people think about love gone wrong when they hear this song, but I think about family or friends who are that type - the type who take take take and never give. you know, the selfish bastards in your life. Yeah, I have this song on repeat and that probably isn't healthy:

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The little bully deserved it. Case closed:

Sometimes you just gotta learn the hard way:

Friday, March 11, 2011


Please let Tami whoop Evelyn's ass. That's all I ask. That's ALL I ASK!

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Awkward Black Girl

A friend sent this hilarious vid to me today.  I want more ABG!!!

Friday, March 4, 2011

Good for her

Allow me to translate the look on Gurvir's face after this report, "I would have done that shit too."  Okay, maybe not, but that's what it looked like to me, and I agree.  Sorry, bullies should be slapped early on before they get worse.  The parent shouldn't have handled it this way, but at the same time, I think the little snot deserved it. I think yelling at the kid would have been just as effective though.  And what's the deal with bus drivers these days?  When I was growing up, school bus drivers didn't take any mess. There were disrespectful kids and bullies back then too, but the bus drivers dealt with it (by either turning the bus around and going back to the school after first scolding the offending student - which, of course made all of the kids on the bus hate said student; or  by pulling over and taking control of the situation.)  Maybe laws have changed these days and bus drivers are now powerless. And the result?  Check out the behavior of rowdy kids on public transportation.  I'm just sayin'...

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Can't Take it Anymore - Not Another Day

I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job I need a new job...

Thursday, February 17, 2011


What people say in yoga class:
"I'm taking yoga for increased flexibility, mental clarity, and to achieve a higher consciousness."

What they really mean:
"I'm taking yoga so I won't stab my *supervisor!  Namaste!"

*or spouse, colleague, family member, grown ass child driving me crazy - substitute as needed.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Happy Valentine's Day

Now that's deep

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Reality Rundown

So I wasted a good deal of my life this weekend on reality television. Try as I may, this addiction is so hard to break.  A few random thoughts that crossed my mind:

Basketball Wives:
  • I heart Tammy (maybe just because I grew up on The Real World and remember her from the first LA house, but whatever).  She's a go-hard chick and they're all afraid of her. Loves it
  • But why oh why do they continue to let Tammy drink? I mean, haven't they realized the girl can't hold her liquor?? Every time she has a strong drink, there's drama. Give her a virgin please!
  • Has anyone else noticed that Royce looks just like a young Leslie Uggams?  Seriously, they could be related.
You're Cut Off!:
This is my favorite reality show ever because it actually teaches a valuable lesson and rids the world of at least a few spoiled useless brats.  Sad to say, I've missed most of this season thanks to my real life so I need to catch up before I can provide in-depth commentary (I did catch up a little bit yesterday as I was cleaning, but cleaning equals moving so there you go.)  I don't know how Dr. Laura refrains from smacking the hell out of these spoiled women girls sometimes. It couldn't be me!  And temper tantrums like Jenn's would not be rewarded by sending them home (hello?? That's what they WANT). Her ass would have to suffer.

Kim and Kourtnye (or is it Kourtnye and Kim) Take New York:
I can honestly say I'm all Kardashianed out. No more please
If Kim takes one more nude photo and proceeds to cry about it, I will lose my lunch. Imaginary drama all over the damn place  Boo effing hoo

Okay, so I was late catching the finale. All I can say is, my faithful viewing of this disgusting show was fueled only by my hatred of Janessa.  I am so glad she not only lost, but got her ass handed to her by the other contestants. Karma is indeed a bitch.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

I Feel This Way Sometimes.

Jay and Silent Bob are totally inappropriate, but I must admit, I feel this way about The Time too.

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